Press Kit
for autism and special needs!
Karen Simmons,
Founder of Autism Today and Co-author of:
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children with Special Needs
and creator of
Gold Medal Winning:
The Official Autism 101 Manual”
Is Changing The Face Of The Autism and Special Needs Community!
An amazing story of how one woman raises six children – two with special needs – survives a near-death experience while giving birth, creates the very first online information and resource center for those with autism and related disorders, writes dozens of books – hosts numerous conferences internationally – without accepting a dime from the government, special interest groups or corporations!
Now as co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children with Special Needs Karen will offer even RESULTS DRIVEN tools, strategies and treatments to those who care for children with special needs.
Our loved ones with autism are here with us now, perhaps to teach us what we need to learn most. To love unconditionally.
“Its time to quit focusing on the problem and start focusing on the solution” says Karen
“Karen wanted her son to understand his autism, so she ended up teaching the whole community a lesson.”
Woman’s World Magazine